
Last one before Kenya

So, this IS the last update before Kenya :P

I have some pics of the two new guys for my combat squad:

This guys have got his bolter strapped to his back. You cant see it in this pic, tough, but it is there. All WYSIWYG :P 

This guy is kind of a fail-glue :P The arms came out a bit wierd, and the bolter/pistol is just bluetacked on at this point. When I get home I'll see if T can solve it with some GS or something. 

And of the guys together. A squad of 10 will look really cool on the table. They are soooo big. Love it =D

So well, merry christmas again!

- Natanael


Legion symbol

Hey guys.

Well, nothing new from me right now, and probably wont be until mid january either, since I am going away for 2 weeks to Kenya, leaving on the 26th. Then I've got my exams when I get home, and THEN I can start working on my Alphas again. So expect a long break from this site now, but I promise I'll be back with progress as soon as I can. Maybe I can convince a friend to uphold the postcount on here during my vacation. I'll try that, at least!

Anyway - as a Merry Christmas I thought I might as well post a great guide for making the Legion symbol out of GS that I found, as well as some very nice true sclaed alpha legion. I hope Lamenter will not mind me borrowing this

So: MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone (I know, I know, a bit early) and hope you have a great time. And dont forget to keep looking over here if I manage to get a friend to post for me.


- Natanael


Green Stuff Mania

Today I moved into a smaller room at my parents house for the holidays, and when I was going to set up my paints and all that I realised that my GS, two whole bars of it, had been a bit mixed. I tried pulling it apart as best I could, but soon I saw the futility of my quest, and started mixing it instead. Below you can see the result of my work:

That is the start of five more marines for my Alpha Legion, as well as six wolves for my thunderwolves all done. My only problem right now is that I still have a lot of GS left, and I have no idea what to make of it. I guess it will just be allowed to cure, and then maybe I can use it as a large boulder or something :P The rest of the true scale stuff will be done with greystuff instad, since I have a lot of that still. 

Hope you guys have a fantastic holidy coming up, with lots of GW stuff in your presents ;) I still hope that my girlfriend got me the Mythicast Thunder Wolves. If so, then the fellas above are staying on 40mm bases as Fenrisan Wolves. 


- Natanael


More true scale coming along

I did some cutting today, and ended up with 5 pairs of terminator legs. Gonna try and get the last two for the first combat squad ready tomorrow, and at the same time start the next five guys. Might have to go and buy some paint tomorrow as well, so I can start painting should the mood hit me :P

I took a kinda booring pic of the hacked-up terminators, but it is so dark, I'll skip posting it this time. At least now you know what I am up to. Stay tuned for some better, larger, updates in the next days before christmas.


- Natanael


New pics - True Scale Project

Here are the latest pics of the three that are done right now. Hope you enjoy:

I hope you like the pics. I managed to get hold of my dads camera and build a rough lightbox. I'm gonna add some bags, ammo, grenades and stuff like that before I prime them black, but this is probably the last you'll see of them before I do that. Gonna try and get the last two ready this week, so that when I go to Kenya, all of them are ready for paint. 


- Natanael


First battle for the Legion

As the title says, I had a first taste of battle with my Alpha Legion army. I proxied everything (yay!) to give it a got against a friends Space Wolves. When we started up, I didnt play very seriously, and had some bad luck with both my Daemon packs coming in turn 2, but that turned out to be great later on, as they held up his TWC for almost the entire game, letting me get some kill points in. However, it all turned to disaster when Logan finally came down from a ruin he drop podded into. At the same time my Daemons died, and the TWC could do a bit of cleanup. In the end I had only one squad of marines left, and there was no way to keep them alive for long :P

Things learned:
- Alpharius needs some wings
- I need to remember warptime
- I need to be more careful with were I place the big guys
- Daemons are 'ard, tough they should suck =D
- You hardly can infiltrate chosen. 18" is kinda far away from the enemy...

Well, next week maybe there will be a new battle. If not, I'll have to wait until januari, after my Kenya-visit, to play with them again.

Oh, and three of the marines I've made are ready for priming. Pics probably tonight.

- Natanael



I need some opinions, guys. Since my first squad is getting closer to being ready for paint, I have started thinking about backpacks. At first it seem to go witout saying that they too were to be true-scaled, but after I put one of one of my marines I was not so certain anymore. So the question is: Should I true-scale my backpacks? Here are some shots just to give you a feel for how it looks.

If I were to scale them up as well, they would get wider but not much longer, and that is why I dont think it is needed. They look big enough as they are now, and they end at the belt, so you can fit some bags, weapons and grenades there and have them show as well. So, what do you think?

- Natanael 


Alpha Legion armylist - v.1.0

Hi guys.

I've been thinking about a list to go with my AL, and here is my first draft. I know that it is not super-competitive, but it shouldnt be a push-over either. Probably gonna remake it a couple of times until GothCon, but it should not be to different. I'll post my thoughts about it below.

1750 points Alpha Legion

Alpharius - 155 points
DP with Mark of Nurgle, Warptime

Omegon - 160 points
DP with Mark of Slaanesh, Wings, Warptime

Lernaean Terminator Squad - 170 points
4 Chaos Terminators with 3 Combi-Meltas, 1 Reaper Autocannon, Champion with Claw

Effrit Stealth Squad - 325 points 
10 Chosen with 4 Plasmas, Power Fist, IoCG and Rhino with Havoc Launcher

CSM Squad - 265 points
2x Meltaguns, IoCG, Asp. Champ, Power Fist, Combi-Flamer, Rhino

CSM Squad - 265 points
2x Meltaguns, IoCG, Asp. Champ, Power Fist, Combi-Flamer, Rhino

Operative Cell - 130 points
10 Summoned Daemons

Operative Cell - 130 points
10 Summoned Daemons

Support Teams - 150 points
2 Obliterators

Grand Total: 1750 points
Komp: 64 (12,8)
After reading Legion I got the impression that Alpharius is a bit more cold and calculating then Omegon, and so he got to be on foot while Omegon got a "jump pack". Probably Big A will be kept kinda to the back, hugging cover while supporting the defence of mid-field objectives and stuff like that. Omegon is a big fire-magnet, hopefully, that have some real punch if he gets into combat. Mark of Slaanesh is to keep him striking before normal HQ-choices. He is a Primarch after all =D

TDA squad is a beefed out Termicide Squad featuring Sheed Ranko (Champ with Claw). Also kind of a fire magnet, but they really need to be dealt with. Hopefully the enemy have not that that much plasma were i drop 'em.

Chosen, Squads and Operatives do the same thing more or less, with the Operatives acting more as tar pits then the others. Chosen are gonna infiltrate in a good position to use their Icon or outflank for some pushing there. Hopefully I wont have too few Icons, but we'll see. Oblits give support were needed, either by deploy but more likley with ambushing (deep strike) since it is cooler for AL to do that ;)

So, keep in mind that this is a fluffy list as well as it is a tournament list. I dont expect to win 1st place with it, but I dont want to die horribly every time I play it.


- Natanael


True Scale Combat Squad 1 - WIPs


So, I've made some minor work on them just to keep it going. Also tested the arms, how they look and all that, with some bluetac and boy, I am happy :P They look so cool compared to regular marines. It's a shame I dont have any IG or Eldar models to compare to, but the AOBR will do for now, as well as a slightly larger Rune Priest. I need to find some good helmets for all of them, or some fitting heads. Might have to shave som of the SW heads that I've got to make it look like Alpharius, or something. I like the "no helmet"-thing after all, despite that it sucks in actual combat.

Here are at least some pics of the progress. The first marines is probably the only one who have actually got his kit right, except for the pistol, that will be changed to a bolter. I also need to start working on the backpacks. I only have SW-packs, and they dont fit so well together, so I guess I need to order some regular one.

Regular marines are small. It will be hard to ever go back to them after this...

- Natanael


More pics

Made some more progress on the marines:

First up are the three remaning to make the first combat squad. I went with a different chest design on two of them. They are gonna get a belt and some tubing or whetever it is as well, while the one to the right is gonna look like this: 

This is the guy from last post, with some pimping done to him. The round A-symbol works nicely I think with the Alpha Legion I intend for the guys, and makes it look a bit more like Mark IV plate. 

Hope you guys enjoy. 

- Natanael

First True Scaled Marines...


I've got to work on to torso-tests, and while they are drying I manged to get some pics with arms and head blue-tacked on. I can really start to understand the people that say that once you go true scale, you never go back. Sorry for the picture quality, I've only got my iPhone cam at the moment. Hopefullt there will be better ones soon, when my mom comes back with her digicam. Here you go:

This torso I made using Lamenters tutorial, mostly. Didn't turn out to bad, but not that good either. Still, he looks nice and big :P  

 This one I made using Apologists style, more or less. He is leaning forward a bit much ATM, so you cant really see the chest, but it is built like a Mk IV plate. Kinda bulky, but I think I like this the best, since it is much easier and you can cover up mistakes much more easy. 

First guy again, better pic maybe. The hardest part was the waist, since the chest armour have to be wider, but not too bulky. Still, I think I managed quite well.  

They are both kinda the same height, and they are quite a lot larget then a regular marine. I need to find some 30mm bases, since the 25mm are way too small, and the 40mm ones are TDA-stuff. 


- Natanael


Alright, some WIPs...

Yeah, I havent got much done, but an update is an update, right? Started the legs, with one pair being used as the tester, meaning I do that first, while the others dry from the previous step. I'll hopefully get all of the legs done tonight, so I can start the torsos tomorrow.


All five 

The tester one. The upper part of the leg was a lot harder to do, since it is a more crowded area. I'll try and do that first with the next batch of five, to see if it is any easier. It came out kinda rough on this one, so I'll try to be more careful and have a little more GS next time. Hopefully some painting/detailing will solve the problem on this one. 


- Natanael

The true scale project

Well, it has started. That said, I dont have any pics yet. The legs are almost done, and I'll continue working on them, and hopefully some on the torsos, tomorrow (going to bed in about 2 min :P). Just dont get your hopes up for awesomeness like the ones Lamenter och Apologist gives us, 'cause I will not be able to give you that kind. They'll be some kind of testers anyway, since they are my first go.

So far it seems fairly easy tough, with my clay shapers really helping out. I have been thinking today also about what they are gonna be. At first I was certain I should make them a for a new army, but then I reconsidered and tought about making them as Primarch Honour Guards for my Space Wolves. On my way home just now I went back to the first idea however, with the argument that Alpha Legion (yes ;))-marines are being decribed as very tall, even by marine  standards. The question about Primarch also makes me want to do them AL, since getting to do two awesome Primarch models to use as Daemon Princes in regular games really gets my conversion-self going.

But hey, I really dont have to decide yet anyway, since there is quite some time before I can even consider adding Legion-specific iconography to the true scale-guys. Updates to follow tomorrow, and I have promised a friend to start working on an army list for the AL as well, so that will show here eventually.


- Natanael


Suprise ;)

Okey, guys. I've made a little quiz of sorts for you. Add the pics together, then click on the link if you havent figured it out yet ;)

Hope you have a good time. 

- Natanael 



I've been reading Legion all day, and oh, boy! :P I really like it so far, and the whole I'm Alpharius thing is just so cool. I know I said that I should not just jump on the next Legion I read about, but the Alphas are awesome, in so many aspects. The only problem is that there is no good codex to represent them. I was thinking of Daemonhunters, for the Storm Troopers as Operatives, but GK seem a little too powerful compared to regular Astartes, so no. The Chaos 'dex is nice and all, but it really is a shame the Lesser Daemons doesnt have any shooting. They would have been perfect if they had, 'cause you could model them as a squad of operatives coming out of hiding to represent deep strike. That alone makes me all fuzzy inside :P

Well, I'll be back with a more conversion-related post tomorrow, hopefully :P Just had to get this out of my system.

I'm Alpharius.

- Natanael


No progress today :(

Pic is from BoLS


Today I've made no progress at all. I managed to cut away some of the imperial eagles on the marines that I have stripped, and started filing down their torsos to prepare for the Mk IV-treatment they are gonna get. I have also began thinking about selling the marines to a friend and getting terminators for true scale instead, but I dont know if that will happen.

I guess I am so easy to distract, since I have read Decent of Angels in two days and now all I can think of is very knightly, hooded, marines with wings and stuff :P Then, not 20 min ago, I started Legion, and the opening pages got me hooked on the Alpha Legion. The Thousand Sons-idea is still burning bright in my mind tough, so I will (hopefully) not abandon that to just go about chasing the next Legion I read about all the time.

I feel that I need to just sit down and go through all the Legions, looking at how they work, their story and their Primarch and see which one I like the most. My Space Wolves will, I guess, forever be my main army but I'd like some change in painting and playstyle. Only problem in that I can't really "connect" with any of the other Legions. Maybe Ultras, with their Roman style on stuff, but they are sooooo boring to play since they hardy did change colours and stuff efter the Heresy, and everyone hates them, myself kinda included. GW destoryed them for the veteran gamers :(. Do you guys have any suggestions? Anything about the heresy that is a little less kanon, but still GW-fluff, that I can use to create my own, supercool, army?

I'm Alpharius.

- Natanael




I've made some progress on my Thousand Sons, but not much. I stripped 12 models or so to test out my converting/painting at. I also have some terminators that need a conversion treatment to fit better with the Thousand Sons and Pre Heresy themes. At least I got a box of tomb king from a friend and I hope I will be able to pull most of the arms off from the models I already have and use some nice icons, swords and stuff like that in them. Might need to look around the garage for a clipper, but other then that I think I might be able to start converting and making some paint tests tonight and tomorrow. So hopefully you'll be able to see the first models of my T-Sons force tomorrow night. For now, tough, you have to be satisfied with a pic of the models that are getting the conversion treatment.

Doesnt look much yet, but with spare bits they will be better looking. For the glory of Big E, or the Warmaster.

- Natanael


Grey Knight Rumours and Adeptus Custodes


Since I am stuck in the Pre Heresy-wave I have been paying some attention to the rumours about the Grey Knights and the possibility to make an army of them representing Adeptus Costodes. The S6, lots of Power Weapons and all that they have now makes a good basis, and I hope that they will get even more a thing apart from regular SM with a new codex. They are, after all, really badass and have been kicking chaos butt for a long time. Since a friend of mine, my most regular opponent, plays daemons they might come in handy as well, hehe.

I don't know tough, if it is possible to compeate with the DH codex that we have now, since playing a pure grey knight army now seems like an impossible feat with all the mech armies out there. I had a look over at the DH-part of B&C to find some advice a while ago and after reading the article called "Way of the Water Warrior" I had my spirits lifted. Maybe it is possible to at least make a somewhat competitive army. Not top tier, never, but possibly an army that with some skilled play doesnt place you at the bottom of each tournament.

I guess I should look up my old DH-codex that should be hiding somewere in the closet and have a go at an army list to see if I can make something happen. In that case, the GothCon army might be Custodes ;)


- Natanael


Thinking about painting...

Pic is by Magmatrix, a GD entry


You have all seen that my painting is kinda crappy, and I admit so myself. However, I have been thinking, as you know, about both a repaint of my SW and making a new army of pre heresy Thousand Sons. I have now added to the list the possibility of making pre heresy Emperors Children :P

My main goal with that is practice with NMM Gold. I found this awesome tutorial and was really inspired. His red is awesome, but what caught my eye was the fantastic gold and silver/metal he made on the entire model. The EC-thought came from a revalation that they are the one legion that can sport lots of gold trim without making it look strange. Thousand Sons might pull it off (and that would be great since I'd love to paint red AND gold) but the white trim looks so good on them that I am not sure I want to try it out on them.

What do you think? Purple with lots of NMM gold, Red with lots of NMM gold or Red, white and some gold (not much).

- Natanael


GothCon Army List


I have been tinkering with my army list for GothCon 2011 and this is what I have come up with as version 1.0:

1750 SW GothCon
Wolf Lord - 260 points
Bike, Thunderhammer, Storm Shield, Runic Armour, Wolf Tooth Necklace, Saga of the Bear
Iron Priest - 165 points
Thunderwolf Mount, 4 Cyber Wolves, Wolf Tooth Necklace
Iron Priest - 165 points
Thunderwolf Mount, 4 Cyber Wolves, Wolf Tooth Necklace
Wolf Guards - 35
Drop Pod
10 Grey Hunters - 233 points
Plasma guns (2), Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard
Wolf Guard with Terminator Armour, Combi-Plasma, Power Fist
10 Grey Hunters - 220 points
Meltagun (2), Plasma Pistol, Mark of the Wulfen, Drop Pod
10 Grey Hunters - 220 points
Meltagun (2), Plasma Pistol, Mark of the Wulfen, Drop Pod
Fast Attack
3+1+1 SwifClaws - 218 points
Meltagun, Power Fist, Attack Bike
Wolf Guard with Bikes, Power Fist, Combi-Melta
3+1+1 SwifClaws - 218 points
Meltagun, Power Fist, Attack Bike
Wolf Guard with Bikes, Power Fist, Combi-Melta
Grand total: 1734 points, Comp: 57

As you can see, I have some points left. Any suggestions on what to do with them? I am currently thinking about dropping one of the Iron Priests in favor of a Dreadnought or some Scouts. I may also add some more bikes, since they are what is my "new" unit in this army. 

The tactics are really simple yet, I hope, effective. The WGs spare Drop Pod is there to make the two GH squads come down on turn one, and then I'll support them with the bikes, Lord and Iron Priests. That should give enough of a choice for the enemy to shoot at, and my hope is that the Iron Priest is gonna draw some fire away from the GHs and Swiftclaws who in turn are supposed to open transports and tear up what's inside (GHs for the first, bikes for the latter). The large GH pack is supposed to slog up the field to take any middle objectives or just hold one in my deployment zone. They pack a lot of plasma to threaten anything that comes close. 

That is it for today. Hopefully you'll get an interesting article from a friend of mine in a few days, were he discusses his Daemon list and it's uses (and hopefully how to take it out). It is a post that I look forward to, a lot, since I have never won against that list. One draw in like 15 games. That's not a good record ;) 


- Natanael 


Beastmen for sale

Well, since I seem to never get any motivation to put some paint on them, and the games I have played with the 8th edition rules so far have been less then satisfactory I have decided to sell my whole Beastmen army. I have about 2000-2500 points depending on how you build characters, so it is not that much anyway. I hope that it should at least get me some money to go and buy some new stuff (read: bikes) for my Space Wolves, and maybe be the start to my Pre-heresy Thousand Sons project that I'll try to get going in january, after my exams. With a little luck I might actually be able to get my T-Sons ready for GothCon, tough I doubt that.

So if you want a Beastmen army, with parts of it painted to TT standard and parts (the largest part) still on the sprue just comment, or send me an e-mail. ;)

On another note, I am gonna keep working on my Thunderwolf counts as. I still hope to get some Mythicast wolves for christmas, since my GF seem a bit, just a little bit, secretive when I start talking about christmas presents, but I need something to use for now, and if I get the Myhticast ones I can just use them as Fenrisan Wolves. Here is however a pic of how they are supposed to look:

This is not mine, but the guy who made them is the one who gave me the idea to do something similar. Very cheap, and still cool and effective. I havent got any chains yet, but I guess I have to get some eventually.

Stay tuned, and I'd love to have a comment or two to see that someone is actually reading this once in a while ;)


- Natanael


GothCon 2011


So, with me skipping the WHFB-tournament (didnt manage that much painting) I have set my sights on another, much larger, thing. GothCon is Swedens largest convention with 1200+ people every year playing all sorts of board-,roleplaying- and miniaturegames. The 40K tournament is host for the national championsship every other year. This year it is not, so I see it as good practice for me :P I am not that good anyway, but it will be great fun.

This also presets me with a challenge: What list should I take?

I'm gonna go with my Space Wolves, obviously, but after reading Littlbitz tactica on bikes over at B&C (here) I have been thinking about doing a combined list with TWC and bikes. Then comes another problem of sorts. In sweden we play with a composition system (you find it here) that have quite a heavy penalty on TWC and Characters on Thunderwolves. Despite this, I was thinking of going with one unit, but then I realised that the Iron Priest is not only cheap, but also really cheap in composition score. Maybe I can get two of them, combine with some hard hitting characters, and manage to get my Speeders into the last Fast Attack slot instead of the thunderwolves.

What do you guys think? Should I go with my usually kinda 'ard TWC-army, with very low comp, or should I try to go the Swiftclaw/Iron Priest route and try something new?

- Natanael


40K Battle


So I went to my local club tonight with a friend, and since he wanted to try his army for a tourney I ended up playing his Imperial Fists. Kinda nice to play something but my Space Wolves, but since I havent played in a while I really want to get some games in with them as well.

He played a version of his Loganwing:

10 TDA Wolf Guards w/ 2x CML and some other kit
4x5 TDA Wolf Guards w/ CML and some other kit. I think he had at least one combi-plasma in each.

My list was something like this:

9 Sternguard with 2x Combi-Meltas and a Pod
2x Ironcald in Pod

2x10 Tactical Squads with Melta/Flamer, Missile Launcher, Power Weapon and Multimelta-Razorback
1x 10 Tactical Squad with Meltagun, Lascannon, Power Fist, Combi-Melta and Razorback

2x Typhoon

I'm not gonna do a turn by turn, but just a quick debreif as last time.

Above is his Logan, who is painted very very nice. His enitre army is comission-painted, and he paid extra to get Logan looking ace. My flash kinda ruined it, but at lest you can see some of the awesome painting. 

This is his deploy. He also had one squad on each flank, but they didnt do much this game. Killed a razorback or something like that. 

This is my deploy. On my other flank I had the last Razorback and Speeder hidden behind a house. 

In his first turn I had suck bad luck with my dice(cover saves mostly) that I had to build a little pyramid to please the dice gods. To my suprise they actually seemed to hear me, and my rolls improved for a turn or two :P 

This is my initial drop. The best thing to do would probably have been to hang back, shoot him and deny him as much kill points as I could. I had 18, he had 6 anyway, so. :P But that is kinda booring, so I went for it. Tried to block some of his guys with the pods, but did'nt do as good as I would have wanted. Still, Lysander and his boys shot a 5 man squad, and I was confident they were going down. Sadly, he made a ton of saves and I only killed one. And that was the pace of the game :P 

A turn later he hade cleaned up my Lysander, Sternguards and the Ironclad. I moved everything forward and shot him. Killed some guys, but not enough. 

Then he charged me, killed all my men and my Ironclad failed to kill Logan. 

This last pic is just before my "awesome" last charge. Logan went first and killed the whole squad :( In the end he won 14-1 in kill points. The mission sucked for me, since I had trouble outshooting him and had no chance in close combat. Were is my plasma when I need it? I actually took out 14 Wolf Guards, almost 1/2 his army (he has 31 models I think) but since the wounds were divided on all his squad, it didnt do much good. 

Well, stay tuned. 

- Natanael


Battle =)


Yesterday, as I said, we had a game of 40K. Since both my friends are kinda new to 40K, we played 2000p Nids vs. 1000p Imperial Guard and 1000p Space Wolves (me). I played a kinda fun list, just to have some different units in, so they can learn. We got Dawn of War, with the two objective mission. Sucks, but still, we ignored it quite much.

Anyway, I took some pictures of the "event", fo your pleasure.

Above is the board. Since my friends are WHFB-players, it was not as much good terrain as it should be. We had no ruins and not much in the way of LOS-blockers. But well, we made quite a good shooting gallery ;) You can see in the large stone-thingy that there are some Lascannons, not painted, and a squad of Guardsmen. That was our initial deploy. The Tyrans in the lower left is gonna be placed a bit more in cover, but otherwise right there. 

Here is the right flank on our turn 1. He put 24 Hormagaunts there as his starting troops, and so I rolled in with my crusader and rhino to deal with them and hold this flank. Night Fight screwed this up, tough, since all that could see was my AC who killed 3. 

Imperial Guard left flank. Here was a real shooting gallery. This is alo our turn 1, so not much Nids around yet. We managed to take out like 50% of the Ripper Swarms with some lucky shooting. 

This is like turn 3 or something. I cleaned out the Hormagaunts, only to be a little overconfident and so I got charged by Stealers and Warriors. Luckily, the stealers could not hurt the rhino, and my Grey Hunters held after loosing six of their number. I killed a warrior tough =D

Turn 4, he was very very close to the Guard lines. My Lone Wolf facing off against his tyrant didnt happen tough, as the IG shooting cleaned it all up =D

At turn 4, we had to call it, since I needed to go. This was how my flank looked tough. The LRC is dead, and the two GHs holding the warriors are very soon dead as well. And the pesky genestealer holding my HQ and other GH squad (the ball in the middle) died also. Only problem is that next is the tyranids turn 4, and since there was no time, we worked out what would probably happen. To keep it short, I just removed all my models :P 

Game ended with us having one objective, but the Warriors, Trygon and Old One Eye were very close, able to charge in the next turn. And I dont think that the IG would have had any chance of standing up against them. We called it a draw ;)

- Natanael