
GothCon 2011


So, with me skipping the WHFB-tournament (didnt manage that much painting) I have set my sights on another, much larger, thing. GothCon is Swedens largest convention with 1200+ people every year playing all sorts of board-,roleplaying- and miniaturegames. The 40K tournament is host for the national championsship every other year. This year it is not, so I see it as good practice for me :P I am not that good anyway, but it will be great fun.

This also presets me with a challenge: What list should I take?

I'm gonna go with my Space Wolves, obviously, but after reading Littlbitz tactica on bikes over at B&C (here) I have been thinking about doing a combined list with TWC and bikes. Then comes another problem of sorts. In sweden we play with a composition system (you find it here) that have quite a heavy penalty on TWC and Characters on Thunderwolves. Despite this, I was thinking of going with one unit, but then I realised that the Iron Priest is not only cheap, but also really cheap in composition score. Maybe I can get two of them, combine with some hard hitting characters, and manage to get my Speeders into the last Fast Attack slot instead of the thunderwolves.

What do you guys think? Should I go with my usually kinda 'ard TWC-army, with very low comp, or should I try to go the Swiftclaw/Iron Priest route and try something new?

- Natanael

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