
I found some marines...

Yes, that's right. I had nothing to do, so I went over my bitz boxes and to mu suprise I found a tactical squad, complete with Missile Launcher and Flamer. So I dug a little deeper and found another 17 marines that were just hiding in my boxes for various reasons. Some I got long ago from a friend, and some have been wash-tests. Now, however, I feel that the time has come to do something with them. A few friends of mine are just starting out 40K, so this is actually quite a perfect moment to start a new army. Since they are only gonna play small games for a while (1000p at most) I should be able to build an army up to that limit without too much cash being lost in the process. I have also got a couple of terminators that are left over from my Wolfwing, so I got a good start for a footslogging force right away.

Here is a pic of the marines that I found:

I am thinking about making them into some pre-heresy Emperors Children or Thousand Sons and have them as a slow project to get better at painting. I've always wanted a nicely blended red army, so the T-Sons are a distinct possibility. What do you guys think?

- Natanael

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