
Got started again

So, I started another five guys as you might have seen from the legs I made. Now they've had a bit more work done to them and some Mk IV-plates or something is coming along nicely. Mixed in a little to much blue in the GS, so it seemed to catch fingerprints a lot easier then usually, but I think I managed to get most of them away with the sculpting tools. Now they just need some belts and then the arms and heads are ready to be glued. I need some more arms/heads tough, so I might have to wait with that and just go ahead and make another 5 bodies ready while I wait.

Here is a pic:

Taken with my iPhone, so not that good a camera, but since it is just a WIP I figured it will work just fine. I'm moving in a week, so will probably not have that much time to do much until then, but we will see. Gonna try to keep the updates coming now that I have started again after Kenya. 


- Natanael



Got some new stuff to keep me working yesterday. I do have three exams to do, but SOME greenstuffing should I be able to do. So I got this:

And here is my workspace. You can see the beginnings of another five true scale marines and some thunderwolf counts as.

Yesterday I also managed to knock my already done marines over so that two of them went to peices on the floor. Lucky me tough, since the GS held and the stuff that have been glued have been glued with superglue, not plastic, so efter a little trimming to get rid of the dried glue I could just glue them together again. I hope to be able to basecoat them next week, but the weather is really damp right now so I hope it will clear up until then. Hope you guys enjoy the blog. I'll try to get some more articles in about stuff else then my WIP soon, tough the exams leave little time for that right now.


- Natanael


Back and Grey Knights

So, I'm back from Kenya all tanned and ready to go nuts with some plastic soldiers :P Had a great two weeks, but more importantly there was news of the Grey Knight codex when I got back. GW have now said it will be released in April, and I am actually quite exited. It it said in the "Incoming"-article that they wear Terminator Armour and I am very interested to see if that goes for the whole chapter. Whatever happens I am sure my planned Adeptus Custodes list is gonna get a new shiny codex to use, when I get around to building it after my Alpha Legion.

Talking about them, I'll try to get another batch of five ready in the next few days. I have already made the legs and I'll probably go buy some more supplies for them today so that I can make the torsos and all that.

Well, stay tuned, more is to come!

- Natanael