

Hey. I had a game againt s friends skaven last week. It was a lot of fun, but since we're both new to 8th, and kinda new to WHFB overall, we made some errors with the rules. Nevertheless it was a great game, turning out to be a draw since he killed over 600p worth of units the last turn :(  Pics are kinda bad since I did only have my iPhone at the moment.

Above is a pic of turn 3 or something like that. The VC-chariot is a counts as Beastlord on razorgor chariot, taking on his large unit of Stormvermin =D He made a mess of them thanks to some good rolls on my part and great magic items. Also in the bottom right is my 40-man Horde of Ungors who started in reserve and then did nothing bot move up, run back, rally and move up, the whole game. 

A better pic of the same thing. You can see my gors flanking his rat ogres in the top right, as well as my BSB-ogre (minotaur) in the action. 

Why is Galrauch there? I hear you ask? Well, my lvl 4 Schaman manged to get of the best spell of the Beast Lore and transformed himself into a mountain chimera =D It was glourious even tough it just lasted for one turn. 4D6 S7 attacks att I7 is great =D

That would be all for now, folks.

- Natanael

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