I've been thinking about a list to go with my AL, and here is my first draft. I know that it is not super-competitive, but it shouldnt be a push-over either. Probably gonna remake it a couple of times until GothCon, but it should not be to different. I'll post my thoughts about it below.
1750 points Alpha Legion
Alpharius - 155 points
DP with Mark of Nurgle, Warptime
Omegon - 160 points
DP with Mark of Slaanesh, Wings, Warptime
Lernaean Terminator Squad - 170 points
4 Chaos Terminators with 3 Combi-Meltas, 1 Reaper Autocannon, Champion with Claw
Effrit Stealth Squad - 325 points
10 Chosen with 4 Plasmas, Power Fist, IoCG and Rhino with Havoc Launcher
CSM Squad - 265 points
2x Meltaguns, IoCG, Asp. Champ, Power Fist, Combi-Flamer, Rhino
CSM Squad - 265 points
2x Meltaguns, IoCG, Asp. Champ, Power Fist, Combi-Flamer, Rhino
Operative Cell - 130 points
10 Summoned Daemons
Operative Cell - 130 points
10 Summoned Daemons
Support Teams - 150 points
2 Obliterators
Grand Total: 1750 points
Komp: 64 (12,8)After reading Legion I got the impression that Alpharius is a bit more cold and calculating then Omegon, and so he got to be on foot while Omegon got a "jump pack". Probably Big A will be kept kinda to the back, hugging cover while supporting the defence of mid-field objectives and stuff like that. Omegon is a big fire-magnet, hopefully, that have some real punch if he gets into combat. Mark of Slaanesh is to keep him striking before normal HQ-choices. He is a Primarch after all =D
TDA squad is a beefed out Termicide Squad featuring Sheed Ranko (Champ with Claw). Also kind of a fire magnet, but they really need to be dealt with. Hopefully the enemy have not that that much plasma were i drop 'em.
Chosen, Squads and Operatives do the same thing more or less, with the Operatives acting more as tar pits then the others. Chosen are gonna infiltrate in a good position to use their Icon or outflank for some pushing there. Hopefully I wont have too few Icons, but we'll see. Oblits give support were needed, either by deploy but more likley with ambushing (deep strike) since it is cooler for AL to do that ;)
So, keep in mind that this is a fluffy list as well as it is a tournament list. I dont expect to win 1st place with it, but I dont want to die horribly every time I play it.
- Natanael
Varierad och kul lista, men antaglige inte det hårdaste på marknaden. Ett par synpunkter.
ReplyDelete- Din gående demonprins kommer nog inte få se så mycket action och om han får det blir det på motståndarens villkor.
- Stora enheter demoner är jag tveksam till. Testade det på Gothcon och det var inte så hett. De dör för lätt helt enkelt. Smp enheter som tar objektiv är däremot användbart
- Chosen är ju väldigt alpha legion så jag hade försökt klämma in en enhet till. Kanske kan du skippa gående prinsen, ta bort en enhet demoner och splitta den andra till två femmor. För poängen får du en chosen squad till, kanske med närstridskit i rhino? Nog inte det bästa, men rätt coolt
- Sedan hade jag tagit -2 kompsmäll för att splitta obliteratorenheten i två singlar.
Tackar. Ska möta Magnus idag med listan, så då ska jag se lite om hur det funkar i praktiken med demonerna och Alpharius. Men en andra enhet Chosen är ju faktiskt väldigt lockande =D