
Grey Knight Rumours and Adeptus Custodes


Since I am stuck in the Pre Heresy-wave I have been paying some attention to the rumours about the Grey Knights and the possibility to make an army of them representing Adeptus Costodes. The S6, lots of Power Weapons and all that they have now makes a good basis, and I hope that they will get even more a thing apart from regular SM with a new codex. They are, after all, really badass and have been kicking chaos butt for a long time. Since a friend of mine, my most regular opponent, plays daemons they might come in handy as well, hehe.

I don't know tough, if it is possible to compeate with the DH codex that we have now, since playing a pure grey knight army now seems like an impossible feat with all the mech armies out there. I had a look over at the DH-part of B&C to find some advice a while ago and after reading the article called "Way of the Water Warrior" I had my spirits lifted. Maybe it is possible to at least make a somewhat competitive army. Not top tier, never, but possibly an army that with some skilled play doesnt place you at the bottom of each tournament.

I guess I should look up my old DH-codex that should be hiding somewere in the closet and have a go at an army list to see if I can make something happen. In that case, the GothCon army might be Custodes ;)


- Natanael

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