
The true scale project

Well, it has started. That said, I dont have any pics yet. The legs are almost done, and I'll continue working on them, and hopefully some on the torsos, tomorrow (going to bed in about 2 min :P). Just dont get your hopes up for awesomeness like the ones Lamenter och Apologist gives us, 'cause I will not be able to give you that kind. They'll be some kind of testers anyway, since they are my first go.

So far it seems fairly easy tough, with my clay shapers really helping out. I have been thinking today also about what they are gonna be. At first I was certain I should make them a for a new army, but then I reconsidered and tought about making them as Primarch Honour Guards for my Space Wolves. On my way home just now I went back to the first idea however, with the argument that Alpha Legion (yes ;))-marines are being decribed as very tall, even by marine  standards. The question about Primarch also makes me want to do them AL, since getting to do two awesome Primarch models to use as Daemon Princes in regular games really gets my conversion-self going.

But hey, I really dont have to decide yet anyway, since there is quite some time before I can even consider adding Legion-specific iconography to the true scale-guys. Updates to follow tomorrow, and I have promised a friend to start working on an army list for the AL as well, so that will show here eventually.


- Natanael

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