
No progress today :(

Pic is from BoLS


Today I've made no progress at all. I managed to cut away some of the imperial eagles on the marines that I have stripped, and started filing down their torsos to prepare for the Mk IV-treatment they are gonna get. I have also began thinking about selling the marines to a friend and getting terminators for true scale instead, but I dont know if that will happen.

I guess I am so easy to distract, since I have read Decent of Angels in two days and now all I can think of is very knightly, hooded, marines with wings and stuff :P Then, not 20 min ago, I started Legion, and the opening pages got me hooked on the Alpha Legion. The Thousand Sons-idea is still burning bright in my mind tough, so I will (hopefully) not abandon that to just go about chasing the next Legion I read about all the time.

I feel that I need to just sit down and go through all the Legions, looking at how they work, their story and their Primarch and see which one I like the most. My Space Wolves will, I guess, forever be my main army but I'd like some change in painting and playstyle. Only problem in that I can't really "connect" with any of the other Legions. Maybe Ultras, with their Roman style on stuff, but they are sooooo boring to play since they hardy did change colours and stuff efter the Heresy, and everyone hates them, myself kinda included. GW destoryed them for the veteran gamers :(. Do you guys have any suggestions? Anything about the heresy that is a little less kanon, but still GW-fluff, that I can use to create my own, supercool, army?

I'm Alpharius.

- Natanael

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