
Green Stuff Mania

Today I moved into a smaller room at my parents house for the holidays, and when I was going to set up my paints and all that I realised that my GS, two whole bars of it, had been a bit mixed. I tried pulling it apart as best I could, but soon I saw the futility of my quest, and started mixing it instead. Below you can see the result of my work:

That is the start of five more marines for my Alpha Legion, as well as six wolves for my thunderwolves all done. My only problem right now is that I still have a lot of GS left, and I have no idea what to make of it. I guess it will just be allowed to cure, and then maybe I can use it as a large boulder or something :P The rest of the true scale stuff will be done with greystuff instad, since I have a lot of that still. 

Hope you guys have a fantastic holidy coming up, with lots of GW stuff in your presents ;) I still hope that my girlfriend got me the Mythicast Thunder Wolves. If so, then the fellas above are staying on 40mm bases as Fenrisan Wolves. 


- Natanael


  1. Nice

    Tänk på att om du får GS över så kavla ut det till tunna skivor som du då sen kan använda till allt möjligt genom att skära till det. Lite som ett mjukare plasticard

  2. Smart. Jag gjorde typ så nu, så vi får la se om jag kan bygga en klippa eller något av det :P

    Diggar namnet, för övrigt. Magnusius. Du bör nog döpa om dig till det ;)
