
Battle report vs. Death Guard

Hi guys.

As I said yesterday (I think) here is a quick report of the battle I had against a friends deathguard. I'll go from the pics and from what I remember, so some stuff might get more in-depth focus, but hey - human mind ;) The lists were made on the spot, just to have a game, so they might be a bit off regarding points and equipment.

The army lists were 1750p, something like this:

Space Wolves

Logan Grimnar
Lone Wolf with TDA, Power Weapon and Storm Bolter
2x10 Grey Hunters with 2x Melta gun, Mark of the Wulfen and Rhino
10 Grey Hunters with 2x Plasma gun, Mark of the Wulfen and Rhino
2x2 Land Speeders with two heavy bolters each
5 Thunderwolves with Storm Shield, Power Fist, Bolter, Meltabomb (one each)
6 Long Fangs with five missile launchers
6 Long Fangs with five heavy bolters

Death Guard

Daemon Prince with Wings, Warptime and Mark of Nurgle
4x7 Plague Marines with various equipment. All in Rhinos with Daemonic Possesion.
Vindicator with Daemonic Possession
Predator with Lascannon turret and heavy bolter sponsors
2 Obliterators

I think that is all, really. Now that I look at it I feel that I had a much larger army, but I didnt feel that at the table, so I might have forgotten some of his stuff. We'll see. The mission was 3 objectives that we placed along a line in the middle. The one to the sides was worth 250 VP and the middle one 500 VP. Secondary objective was just regular VP, killing stuff :P

This first pic is at the start of his turn 2, I think. You can see that in the bottom corner I've got a rhino and some Speeders to keep the objective safe. There is also a squad of Long Fangs on the upper floor, but they ate plasma cannon from his oblits and were reduced very quickly to just 2-3 members. You can see that he is advancing with two rhino squads against the objective on the left (ignore the guys standing at the edge of the table, they are in a rhino), and I have immobilised the one with the open hatch. The pic below shows my ruin better.

Below you can see his advance on the left, with (from left to right) Oblits, Vindicator, 2x Rhino Squads and a Predator. You can also spot half his prince, and my TWC doing an all out charge on the rhinos. I managed to immobilise both with shooting in my turn 2, so the charge killed them off and forced the PMs into the open, more or less. The TWC died next turn, tough :P The Prince killed two, and then the rest went down to shooting or Power Fists, sadly. They did their job tough, kinda.

His oblits. One is a traitor Grand Master of the Grey Knights. Whoever said that they dont fall to chaos was clearly wrong ;)

Here you can see the "Quarterback" a.k.a the Lone Wolf tyring to get to the PMs for some smashing, but he ate Vindicator to the head two times and was killed :(

Below is my very slow advance on the rightmost objective. He had no chance of claiming or contesting when I stopped the rinos, unless he wanted to kill off his PMs while trying. This is turn four, as you can see on the large dice that is supposed to be full of dice :).

The pic below is from turn 3 or 4, when he moved up his rhino a bit more. He was already withing 12" of my two plasma guns in the ruin, so it oly gave him a little extra move. My Speeder-positioning here actually wrecked his rhino, that is why he is out and about.. I managed to whittle down that squad quite a bit with my other Speeder squad later, until they got a vindicator shot right at them.

My right flank, bearing the brunt of his advance, and most of my stuff as well. The middle objective, right next to his vindicator, was later almost taken by a lone PM Champ, until I managed to contest it with my Speeders.

Turn four or something, the whole board.

The pics end here, and the game did as well, almost. We played until turn 6, but there was not much any of us could do for the objectives. I managed to kill the vindicator, and that made the total kill score this:
DG killed: 512,5 points
SW killed: 510 points

Included in that is the objectives, were I got 250VP and he got 0, thanks to my GHs staying in the combat on the left flank, on the objective, and my speeders contesting the middle one. Moral victory to me then, but it ended a draw :(

Hope you enjoy.

- Natanael

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