

Got some new stuff to keep me working yesterday. I do have three exams to do, but SOME greenstuffing should I be able to do. So I got this:

And here is my workspace. You can see the beginnings of another five true scale marines and some thunderwolf counts as.

Yesterday I also managed to knock my already done marines over so that two of them went to peices on the floor. Lucky me tough, since the GS held and the stuff that have been glued have been glued with superglue, not plastic, so efter a little trimming to get rid of the dried glue I could just glue them together again. I hope to be able to basecoat them next week, but the weather is really damp right now so I hope it will clear up until then. Hope you guys enjoy the blog. I'll try to get some more articles in about stuff else then my WIP soon, tough the exams leave little time for that right now.


- Natanael